Theatrical Design

BIOphelia: A Performance-Infused Scholarship Symposium

Scenic and Projection Design, Panelist, & Facilitator
Atrium & Film Forum, Schwartz Center for Performing Arts, Ithaca NY
Directed and Adapted from Shakespeare’s Hamlet by Theo Black

BIOphelia is an ongoing eco-feminist project around the character of Ophelia in Hamlet. Specifically centered on Ophelia’s relationship to medicinal herbs, the central symposium united scholars and practitioners from varied fields to open an ecological window into Elizabethan Europe. I sculpted the eco-scenographic elements for the featured live performances: Ophelia’s botanic dress and a stream overgrown with by invasive plants. The sculptures were assembled from scavenged/repurposed materials and plants cultivated by the Cornell Botanic Gardens. The structures and plants were distributed to the audience live, recirculated as community fundraisers, reinstalled as artworks, or composted.

Eco-scenographic materials: willow, wire fencing, wood palettes, hemp rope, potted plants (rosemary, rue, calendula, eucalyptus), non-native plants (oriental bittersweet, bush honeysuckle, bush privet, common buckthorn, Japanese knotweed), natural dyes (beet, red cabbage, turmeric, paprika, pokeweed, sumac, soy milk), scrap muslin, burlap, fresh flowers, plastic trough, mannequin, projection. All non-organic materials were sourced from the community.

    Gathering materials for natural dyes
    Harvested invasive species to be transported to the theater
    The symposium was brought to life by herbs and projections

    A Midsummer Yosemite’s Dream

    Scenic Design & Actor (Theseus)
    Curry Village Amphitheatre, Yosemite National Park & Wallace Dutra Amphitheatre at UC Merced, Merced CA
    Adapted from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night’s Dream & Directed by Katherine Brokaw

    A joyous adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream illuminated the dangers posed by neglected forests. My scenic design took the form of a giant sequoia fire scar. I erected this modular and portable sculpture made from branches and cardboard collected in Yosemite the day of each show. As the characters grappled with how to better behave in the wild fairytale-like surroundings, we learned about the need for prescribed fire to stabilize the drastically changing landscape.

    Click here for a review of this project    

    After Nature Had Drawn A Few Breaths

    Three-channel video and nine-channel light installation
    Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts, Ithaca NY 
    1 hour loop; 8 PM - 12 AM; April 14 - May 6, 2021 

    "After Nature Had Drawn A Few Breaths" reclaims imposing concrete walls with environmentally inspired projections and lighting. Two video streams followed the changing seasons, animated by the currents of wind and water as cinematographer. A third narrative-poetic projection presented collected photographs, poetry, and short video reflections on local ecological phenomena and environmentalist action. Cycling lights represented the changes of seasons, elements, and time.

    Click here for a review of this project    


    Lighting Design
    Tishman Auditorium at the New School, New York, NY
    By Mendi + Keith Obadike, with the American Composer’s Orchestra

    As You Like It

    Handmade paper, wire, leaves and grass from the performance site
    The Cherry Arts Space, Ithaca NY
    By William Shakespeare, Directed by Samuel Buggeln

    Billy Elliot: The Musical

    Projection Design
    Mainstage at The Hangar Theater, Ithaca NY
    By Elton John and Lee Hall, Directed by Courtney Young

    Crisscrossing the Galaxy at Faster than the Speed of Light in Search of a Hug

    Scenic Design
    KIDDSTUFF Stage at The Hangar Theater, Ithaca NY
    By Paco Madden, Directed by Edgardo Soto


        Projection Design
        Kiplinger Theater at The Schwartz Center for Performing Arts, Ithaca NY
        By Toni Morrison and Rokia Traore, Directed by Beth Milles

        Baby Rock / Rock de Bebe

        Scenic & Lighting Design
        Black Box at the Schwartz Center for Performing Arts, Ithaca NY
        By Carlos de Matteis, Adapted & Directed by Taylor Bazos

        The Pleasures of the Quarrel: Three Parisian Operatic Hits from the Contested Season of 1753

        Projection & Lighting Design

        Bailey Hall, Ithaca NY
        Excerpts from operas by Mondonville, Orlandini, and Dauvergne
        Adapted & Directed by Rebecca Harris Warrick & Catherine Turocy, with the NY Baroque Dance Company & Cornell Chamber Orchestra


        The Willow Cabin

        Black Box at the Schwartz Center for Performing Arts, Ithaca NY
        By William Shakespeare, Adapted from Twelfth Night for ASL with Amanda Vialva and Juliette Wolpert

        particles suspended in their own fantasy at the southernpost tip of Cayuga Lake

        ©2025 Adam Washiyama Shulman